Shown at right is a picture of the gift recipient opening her gift: Jeannette's Custom Heart Transplant Survivor Bracelet.
This is what my customer said about her beautiful bracelet:
Dear Stephanie,--------------
After attending my daughter's (Jeannette) birthday party, I just had to tell you how much everyone was stunned at the bracelet that I gave to her. My daughter, as well as everyone else, were amazed at how beautiful and appropriate my gift was. This made me feel great. My daughter will cherish it forever! Of course, I told everyone about you and where I found my gift.
Thank you so much. It was a pleasure doing business with you.
Not more than a month later, another customer, currently on the heart transplant waiting list, requested this design as well. In her email request, she wrote, "Some days it is hard to keep a positive attitude when one is feeling so tired and weak. I think wearing this bracelet and looking at it would remind me one day at a time that you can do this, you are a survivor. Thanks for what you do making items like this to give individuals like me hope and encouragement".
When I emailed her to tell her the bracelet shipped, she wrote back, "Thanks again and may you be richly blessed for helping individuals like me to have something beautiful to look at for inspiration along their journey".
But, I was completely blown away when I opened my email the other day. My customer had sat down and written a most thoughtful email about how much she loved her awareness bracelet and how it gave her comfort and hope. If I have not said it a thousand times before, I'll say it again: THIS IS WHY I LOVE TO DESIGN AWARENESS JEWELRY! To touch peoples lives in this way is just beyond words. It fills my heart...
Here is my customers' email to me:
Dear Stephanie,
I just wanted to let you know I received my bracelet Monday. I absolutely "love it". I had to go to Transplant clinic last Friday and was feeling so down. They think I have some issues going on with my lungs now. The week-end was really stressful, because they had sceduled me for a bunch of testing Tuesday. I put that beautiful bracelet on and everytime I felt myself feeling down, I looked at it and my spirits would lift. I wore it through the testing and it helped "so" much. I am claustrophobic and the pulmonary function test requires getting closed up in a glass
cage. I would just glance at my bracelet when I tensed up, and did the same for the
CT scans. I am sorry to ramble on, but I just had to let you know what a blessing
the bracelet has been to me. Even though I am a yellow-gold girl, I love it.
I don't want to take it off, but will it hurt it to wear it showering or to bed. I do not want to damage it. Thank you again so much for what you do, and thank you for the beautiful card that you enclosed and the pen. I look forward to doing business again.
Hope you have a great day,
Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL my wonderful customers for providing me the feedback that helps inspire me and my designs. I'm so overjoyed you love your designs and that they offer you comfort and hope.
In response to Charlene's question on the proper care of her handmade beaded bracelet, there is a jewelry article on the website detailing the proper storage and care of beaded jewelry.